
Images with no camera

All of there pictures were created with a scanner, a tissue box, shoebox and an old projector focussing lens element.
Here is the lens element.

vv  This was the setup  vv

 Self, the scanner broke down halve way and then started again after a while.
 Self 2
 The room
 Portrait of Ram
Self 3

Hey Maker! Sculptural Weaving with Wendy Johnson.

Hey Maker! Sculptural Weaving with Wendy Johnson.
Music by Zulu Winter.


Thriller flashmob, Halloween special.

Thriller flashmob, South bank, Brisbane.
Performed by the Cape Byron Rudolf Steiner School year 9 girls.



Found antique negatives

I found these negatives at an antiques fair.
 I scanned them onto the computer, Inverted them, and fixed up the levels